a once in an eternity event
i just pantsed god
i totally did
it was unfuckingbelievable
i have been trying to get that bastard almost literally forever
but you know how god and his boy jesus are always so casual running around naked or wearing nothing but baggy robes and fig leaves and shit
its hard to catch either one of them in anything elsewell i got wind of this black tie party over at allah's place and i just had a hunch this might be my chance
so i got there early and hid out in the closet just down the hall from the bathroom
god showed up in a tux just as i had hoped and as usual he was hitting the wine and cheese pretty hard before the dinner even started
he is such a fucking lush
anyway there i am hiding out in the closet and sure enough about an hour into the party god comes down the hall goes into the bathroom and has this enormous piss and with all the farting he was doing from the cheese he pounded down it totally sounded like a thunderstorm in there
i almost got busted from laughing so hard at that old fuck farting and burping and pissing but i held it together just barely
so god comes out of the bathroom and walks past my closet
i materialize on the other side of the door and follow him down the hallway all quiet and shit
he gets to the ballroom and as i expected and as per usual he makes some giant pronouncement which nobody could understand because he was slurring so bad from all the vino
but everybody was watching him of course because fuck he is god after all
and then just as he got to the high point of his spiel i popped up off the floor and whipped up the tails on his tux and latched onto the waist of his pants and ripped those babies right down to his holier than thou ankles
he was wearing boxers with fucking cupids on them
fuckso he spun around to smite me but quick as shit i materialized over by the front door to the party and flipped him the bird and skedaddled
oh man
i love it when dreams come true
I like to waggle my wang at unsuspecting passersby. Will that play well in hell?
God looks JUST like george bush!
you are about dumb enough to get into heaven i think carla
or else you are sarcastic enough to enjoy eternity with me down here in the underworld
Is not God like omniscient and shit, so wouldn't he just know where you are all the time drunk or not?
you are suck a fucking sucker dorian how the heaven can you just believe everything they tell you in sunday school
dont get me wrong he is a crafty bastard but just because he claims he knows everything doesnt mean he is always aware of everything
anyway apollo was at the party and god has this massive man crush on apollo thats probably why he was distracted
for fucks sake
He did materialize vino at that wedding, so he trumps you in that respect.
But I think you are far cooler than god. I suspect you can hold your liquor better than he can.
How unglamorous of him to have behaved in such a manner in the bathroom.
I thought he had respect.
He shouldn't attend anymore parties. Clearly he creates a spectacle and makes a fool of himself.
I wonder if he dry heaves?
Thankyou for clearing that up, I guess I just needed to it from someone who knows him personally.
god never materialized wine at a wedding that was his boy jesus
I guess I skipped that catacism (sp?) class. I was never any good at sunday school. They always had to yank me from under the teachers desk. Which is a totally different problem that has added complexity in my life... and in my brain...
Jesus was pretty narly for materializing that wine at that wedding. I am trying to practice those very magical qualities, only I'd rather do it at divorce parties.
Dude, you totally nailed God!
Do you know what would have been great right there instead of pantsing him? You should have put a book of matches under his feet and given him a hot foot.
That would have been so damn funny...God hopping around on one foot howling after getting a hot foot from Satan!
A pie in the face would have been great, too!
Keep those in mind for next time.
ohhh i can't wait to get to hell. the first thing i am doing when i get there is re-arranging the furniture and giving the place a good dusting.
Satan, I lust you.
I knew pantsing was your deal. Okay, how come I was always the one getting pantsed in gym class? FUCK! I hated that shit! Never on a cute undies day, always on the day I hit the bottom of the drawer and pulled out a pair of my grandmother's or something.
Now I hate underwear.
Satan will love that.
I like underwear, including g-strings. But I sleep naked. Do you like that too Satan?
Come and haunt me.
i materialized in your bedroom last night while you were sleeping but the guy with the tattoos in that picture behind you that you posted at the bottom of your madonna collection did not seem interested in a threesome
so i got out of there
You are not as brave as I thought, Satan. You are supposed to fight for me. Don't you want some of my tang?
Yeah you get the self important cunt. He's so damn full of himself, anyone would think he created the earth or something.
Next time, wedgie the bastard ;)
Mine is a pretty pink tang. And it smells of flowers. Seriously. Ask my mother.
That picture is a serious turn off.
yeah this shit is sick man!
pity I live in my own hell
Ah jeesh. I bet payback is gonna be a bitch.
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