Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hell Convention and Visitors Bureau

Welcome to Hell, the Underworld's largest region. Where blue skies don't exist and there are miles of flaming beaches along the fiery seas of lava creating a gentle Mediterranean climate which begs for a day of everything and nothing. Bordered by Mexico, the Middle East, Somalia and the Sudan, Hell's infinite square miles offer immense options for business and pleasure.

Visitor Information: General Visitors Information for Hell - tips and information on Hell.

Free Vacation Planning and Tips: Vacation in Hell yes you will be in Hell.

Where to Stay: Hotel Hell - check out anytime you like but you can never leave.

Things to do:
Torture Museum
Elvis Performing Nightly
Dante's - Nine Levels of Shopping

Getting Around: Charon's River Shuttle Service

Dining and Nightlife:
Fine Dining

The Weather in Hell


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Nobody said...

I just booked my flight, PLUS, got bonus frequent flyer miles! Woo Hoo!

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me there's better Mexican food than that. I realize you are behind their empire but I cannot spend eternity eating it. That would make Hell seem like Hell.

At 3:54 AM, Blogger Erin O'Brien said...

Dear Satan,

You are funny as hell. The catholics wish they were half as funny as you. Course, you probably have most of them anyway.

Is Santa there? I'd like to know. I love Christmas.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger LBseahag said...

If that blonde guy is the only single guy in heaven, i better start feeding the poor and helping elderly ladies...

At 9:35 AM, Blogger ing said...

I'ts easy to turn the tables on Bill; he can't even tie a knot (hence the boots). All you need is a little ether and a pair of panty hose and he's all yours.

I'm not spending my vacation in hell unless I get full & free access to the bar.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Well it looks like this blog has just about run its course.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger ing said...

You want Bill? Wait, let me wake him up. . .

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Satan said...

jesus you can smoke my pole

nowhere girl you are welcome to visit hell anytime

i will make certain that you get the vip treatment

death you know how i feel man

i have nothing but love for you and i have your back

your job is a bitch

ihatesausage part of being in hell is suffering and that is suffering

but between you and me we can get fanfuckingtastic mexican food there anytime we want

erin we have most of the catholic priests

santa is not here he is still alive and comes to my house every year

bill the apostle noted

you are not gay you just like to be crammed in the ass

got it

lbseahag you need to revisit my post dated 1/15/2006

i think your question will be adequately answered

jesus christ you can smoke my pole

i guess i already said that

ing that is great work

keep recruiting bill he is playing for the wrong team

gene your attempts to run for mayor of hell are fruitless

hell is a monarchy and i am the lord of the underworld

might i suggest a revolution

At 7:26 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Dude, are you coming over for drunken fire jenga later?

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Satan said...

i was going to come over for drunken fire jenga later but you have been sort of an asshole lately

i might just hang out at home and have a hot pocket and watch made o nmtv

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Calzone said...

Made is fucking totally cool dog. I like wacking off to fat chicks trying to be popular and shit like that.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Jeez, I had no idea how sensitive you are. I may have to start calling you the clit of the underworld.

The dark clit.


I won't tease you anymore for awhile, I promise. Now come on back and I'll get you wasted and let you look through my moms underwear drawer... just like when we were kids.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Something tells me she's never been with a guy that could make her cum.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

I really do feel sad about fucking with satan too hard. Damn.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

I offered him my moms underwear drawer. I thought for sure he'd be into that. I guess I'll write a letter. He's just so sensitive.
Like a girl.

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Pixie Sprinkle said...

i'm here for the catholic priests. which one of you called??

At 6:07 AM, Blogger b o o said...

dude looks like eminem

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Satan said...

dont worry dudes

i have been secretly tapping ihatesausage

she really loves sausage

her link has been added to the my blog

shannon is a good girl

shes cool with what i got going with ihatesausage

hey bill i think we could get ihatesausage to do the two man hogsaw if you are interested

At 9:56 AM, Blogger blank profile said...

Please come home.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger blank profile said...

IGBT, will you tell satan I'm sorry and shit.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger blank profile said...

Well I just miss that guy. It's like he never comes around anymore. I'm totally going to take him out for a bloomin' onion from max and erma's and shit.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Satan said...

as long as you are sorry i forgive you

you just hurt my feelings knocking my blog like that

it has taken me a lot of effort to step into the twenty first century recruiting tactics for souls

and then to be criticised so harshly by you

it hurt

i am doing the best i can out here with tempting souls to come to me

i work my god damn pointy tail off to rob you of good people

while i have made great strides with catholic priests there is still a lot of work to do out there in blog land

have you seen all the bible thumpers out there

and they are so rigid in their beliefs

how am i going to corrupt them

this job is just so overwhelming some days

and then with all that pressure i am getting from cowbell gene

i spent all morning curled up in the fetal position crying quietly to myself

being lord of the underworld is not always as much fun as it looks

At 11:56 AM, Blogger blank profile said...

well in all honesty I happen to love your site. I just ruffle your feathers, little guy. That's all.

And you've been a big hit.

you've taken nowhere girl from me (and I really liked her too)

You've taken Erin (well, she was on the fence at best from the beginning, but you totally won.)

Jungle Jane has never even stopped by (She has always been yours)

shannon has never been by and she's totally hot.

You're not exactly unsuccessful over here.

Let's get drunk and wager some souls like in the old days (before I was born and shit)

At 12:17 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Oh, well that's nice Bill.

Keep up the good work.


Satan, shoot me an email, b. I think you already know how to find me.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Satan said...

dont even try to punk my minions bill

sure he looks like a pussy and he says good heavens and shit

but you dont want to see i get behind thee pissed off

that dude will rip your head off and shit down your windpipe

i get behind thee remember that time we were at magic mountain and that dude knocked my snowcone out of my hand and you went all apeshit on him

they had to close down that section of the park and get one of those kids with a broom and dustpan to clean it up before anyone could ride on that superman ride again

At 5:52 PM, Blogger blank profile said...

Satan, dude, shoot me an email dog. We just set up the Christ account and shit.

Don't leave the JC with his cock in his hand.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger PDD said...

Listen, if you are going to win my vote you've gotta provide some good cab, dude.


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