tagged weird habits

i cant dance very well because i have two left hooves
but the babes dig me
mostly because oral sex was my idea
but they also know that i can party my evil ass off
you dont see jesus christ dancing in fact jesus christs people tried to keep ren maccormick from dancing when he moved to bomont
but i say lets dance
ok i have been tagged by the evil and sometimes naked erin obrien
here are my five weird habits
i collect hummel figurines those damn things are so fucking cute i cant control myself
i probably have three hundred of them and i get behind thee gets pissed everytime i buy another one
he hates dusting them

i frequently masturbate while looking at pictures or thinking about the virgin mary
jesus christ your mom is a total milf

i like to light my farts on fire
it is really easy to do in hell
you pretty much just fart and this giant flame shoots out of your ass

i love the movie alien and so sometimes when i am bored and lonely i will suddenly pop out of someones belly and scare the shit out of them just for fun

i like to hang out with the pope and try to make him eat gouda cheese
he is lactose intolerant
then later we light each others farts on fire
i love that fucking hat and he never lets me wear it

tagged by satan
commanded by satan to complete the following task or suffer eternal damnation
"The first player of this game starts with the topic 'five weird habits' and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You have been tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours."
Mary... a MILF. I fucking LOVE you.
Do you still have those figurines I gave you for my birthday?
My mom said you guys used to hang out in high school, she said you used to show off in your fiero and shit.
What's this I hear about Buddha kicking your ass in arm wrestling?
All that guy does is sit around and eat cape cod kettle chips... You must be a real pussy.
shannon do not be afraid
satan will be gentle
yo jesus christ that fiero was the shit
i had that cool mullet and that white wifebeater that i wore with a couple of gold chains
too bad i got drunk and put that bad ass ride into a tree while getting road head
nearly got lil satan bit off
melanhead that was not me
that was a movie
Dude, I loved you in "the stand".
That Nadine Cross chic was hot.
omg satan does the cha-cha...
There's something innately hot about a woman who can conceive without doing the dirty.
Thanks for tagging me, Lucifer.
I loved you in E.T.: The Extraterrestrial. Remember how you kept wanting to "phone home?" Man, you were awesome!
I'm a virgin...can I still get into Hell? Or do I have to give it up to some Jihadist?
I don't want that to count as my question for the week though...I want to know who get's David Hasselhoff? That has always plagued me.
I like you.
Oh thank allah - there's a virgin in the house.
Sausage please urgently head over to Captain Carl's blog - we require the services of a virgin.
do NOT - i repeat do NOT - pull a root on the way....
'Lo there Satan, O'Brien here.
Excellent work as usual. And thanks again for the oral sex thing.
Here are the meme rules as they were given to me:
"The first player of this game starts with the topic 'five weird habits' and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You have been tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours."
David Hasselhoff? Easy - he's right here singing the hooka chakka.
liebe deutsch nur mögen macht jeden sonst und sie sind ein phantastischer tänzer spricht hochchinesisch wieder baby
Hey Boo, er, Thus Spake Zarathustra?
Philosophers who think God is dead have no relevance to this battle royale between JC and his bitch (Apostle Bill) and Satan and his bitch (IGBT).
I did your bidding, my evil Prince of Darkness. The tag is completed.
fear not minions
hell will start having free elections the day that dubya finds out where we are and decides that a democratic hell would benefit him
besides we have no oil
so fear not for i shall retain power over this usurper and i shall blast cowbell gene to the fiery brimstone basement of hell for his insubordinant attempt to take over the throne of the kingdom of hell
please tell hitler and sirhan sirhan to settle their shit down
those guys are so excitable sometimes
i totally blacked out, don't know what the hell's going on.
evidently i'm running for satan or something. i don't know whats up with that shit..
why's my mom all covered in blow and squat sauce?
cuz she has a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell
your mom is a skank cowbell gene
you might want to check her into rehab or something
this is not going to look good for your campaign
jasmine you are hot
but if i wanted company i would call shannon
i lust shannon
bill you little bitch
someday you will find a dude
so heres the deal bill the apostle
jesus christ can be a buzzkill
you gotta admit he always disappears and then suddenly will rise again and shit
my guess he is at his dads house taking out the trash or cleaning his room or some lame shit like that
you hang with i get behind thee and good ole satan here and we will rip it up every night with bitches and hos and blow and cocoa puffs and x and shit
it is like one giant seventies porno movie at my pad man
jesus christ is just a poser
he really has to follow all those commandments and shit
you want freedom come with me
it is true that i have lust for most women out there
however i lust shannon the most
bill the apostle believes shannon is pure and innocent
satan happens to know that shannon has secrets
dark secrets
only known by shannon and me
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Why can't we all just get along?
Satan rules, even if he does collect those faggot figurines.
Cowbell Gene is a satan wanna-be. I think that fucking cowbell has gone to his head. and Bill- your a homo.
Shannon- Don't let them frazzle you honey- it's your asshole, you do whatever the hell you want to with it!
There! now let's all make nice.
poly thanks for having a demons back
you are destined to go places in hell
death you know i love you
you do excellent work and i know how hard it is to be creative and do your job well
shannon dont pay any attention to bill the apostle he is sort of fixated on certain things if you know what i mean
while that makes him an excellent candidate for hell it does not make him good boyfriend material
especially if you are a female
Yo Satan,
You got style!
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