of all the pissing me off things ever in the world
irony really chaps my loins
these bible thumpers just refuse to listen and i am fucking sick of it
sick of it i tell you
look at this crap in this picture
who in heaven thinks this is accurate in any respect
i do not lie
i do not deceive
i am completely upfront will all of my minions
everybody i make a deal with understands completely and beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are giving me their soul for all time and that they will be suffering excruciating tortures while i devour them a morsel at a time from here to eternity
but in exchange for that i provide them with the most sought after things here on earth
things like wealth and good looks and success in the film industry
i guess on the other hand it is probably too my advantage that the bible thumpers think i dissemble
it is probably something i cant change in any event
so back to the grind
anyone who wants to play the spurned love interest in the next edward burns film should get a message to their fiend
all it takes is thinking about it if you wondered
see you soon
we'll lookie here! satan. i think we gotta talk!
Hi satan, I'm still waiting on the wealth and good looks and success things, did you give them to somebody else???
Just wonder!
youve got way more of all of those than you deserve already
wouldnt you agree
bring me some more souls besides yours and i will see what i can do
by the way i might have forgotten to mention that putting out helps too
I make deals with upper managment all the time so there is nothing new to me.
You deadbeat.
With Bush & Co. fucking up everything on your behalf, you could at least update. You've got nothing better to do.
youve got a lot of room to talk
this is an update
you just havent been here so long you cant even tell
as far as w is concerned keep in mind he is doing a great job and far be it for me to go around shooting my mouth off and jinx him
Glad to see you back and that hell didn't freeze over.
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